Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fourteen Days...

I just cannot believe all this is becoming real; that in fourteen days I will be on a plane to Beirut, Lebanon for the next few months. This will be the first time I am traveling by myself on an international plane (ooh man). A trip that will be fourteen hours in flight, however about twenty four hours of travel.         
         The exact route will be from Miami International to Paris, France nine hours, and then Paris to Beirut five hours.  (ooohhhh man)
The other day, I read my horoscope and it was so on point to my current situation I will/have adopted it as my new mantra, it stated:

Do not waste your time trying to explain others why you want to go off and do something out of the ordinary, because you don't know yourself. Sometimes you just have to follow your instincts, so trust them and act.

Of course, I am elated to be going, to have this once in a life time opportunity, I just dread saying good bye to all my loved ones. However, it is a part of life, blah blah blah and I understand that, but it does not make it any easier. Let's just say I will be drowning in tears because I have no idea what I am going to do without my mom, she has been my rock so much these past years and I come to her with everything. On the other hand, I have come to realize how much of her is in me, and I knowing that I know I will be fine. 

Switching gears.... (I am all over the place tonight, probably because it almost 4:00 am)
One new development:  I possibly could be going to Qatar to stay with my brother. I stoked about that because I really want to try to travel as much as I can when I am in Lebanon, trying to get as much out of this experience as possible.   

So as of now, I will be seeing three different countries: Lebanon, Qatar and France (on my way back home, I will be spending two weeks in Paris :), so pretty much, if I manage to loss any weight in Lebanon, which I plan on doing, will be gained through French Bread......well worth it, I say.... haha

Let's see if I can add more destinations.....


  1. Well, Sabine, we all miss you.

  2. Thanks Jon.. and yes you were the first to comment, I was wondering who it would be :)
