Friday, July 8, 2011

 (First of all if the typing seems off I am on my Uncles Computer which is programed in Arabic dialect.. so trying to find how to write this blog was a process of elimination. Hopefully we can get wifi soon 

So I am finally here in Beirut after what it felt likes days of traveling
i had traveled since 2:30pm on Thursday July 7th until 10:30 am on Friday, July 8 which is 5:30 pm in Lebanon so pretty much I lost friday..haha

I already am finding myself questioning all the decisions that lead me to Lebanon but then I know I have to stop that kind of thinking because it will take me down a bad road of being constantly miserable and that is not why I can here I came One thing that I know will keep me going is that life only happens once and make of it all you can So pretty much I need to  suck it up Sabine
I know this feeling will pass in the next few days after I get settled and its because I miss everyone already and of course Zack I missed him the second he left me at security I am feeling better already just expressing this coughcoughMOM dont worry coughcough

I will have pictures up soon the ones I took on my phone did not give this gorgeous country justice

love everyone.  

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