Saturday, September 10, 2011

College Party Beirut Style

So I just came back from a college party tonight and it was quite interesting. 
Let's just say the night was filled with booby cakes, american top hits, fireworks, Lesbian couples, and some go old fashion American grinding. ha

Music/culture truly transcends borders and tonight was surely an example, from the type of dancing, to the music to the type of English that was being spoken. One thing that I truly loved the most was the openness of the gay lifestyle, that there is support in the new generation makes me hopeful for the years to come.

 It was also a night of understanding, that people should know no matter where people live, what religion (or lack there of) they practice, or even what language they speak everyone still wants the same thing...just to dance, and have fun. We are not as different as we think. I feel people, the media, just focuses on little things that are of differences and exploit them to the fullest. We try to see and focus on all the similarity we all have. It is all about opening our minds and stop the generalizations of a whole region.

<3 b7eb Liban

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