Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Downtown Beirut

I fail, because I have been slacking on my blogs, because with 2 weeks left of classes its really been taking up all my time. But I have been able to squeeze some fun on Saturday and Monday I went to the beach, and sunday I went to Bhamdoun. Now it is the sad part of my trip, because it is the end of summer and everyone is leaving. This is the first time, I am not the one saying the good byes but receiving them. 

So for today's event, no school for me so I decide to still make use of my day and spend it downtown.  Sadly, I learned the hard way that many of the shops I wanted to visit were not open around 8:30-9. So I then I decided  to get a cappuccino from a cafe, however the place I went to did not have any so I got a mochaccino, yeah worse choice ever. It was like a chalky chocolate and a little coffee.. After that, it was a decent time to go shopping. :) But it was soo incredibly hot today though.    

Tonight, I am going to a wedding with my Uncle Nabil, so I will put those pictures later.

view from the cafe

haha sneaky tank

so at Virgin Mega Store I found Keychain with MY NAME on them. You do not even know how excited I was, so I had to buy the two kinds they had; did not know if would ever happen again. I looked for Tina, there was not one, sorry sister but I giggled because for once no Tina but a Sabine. ha


  1. haha that is so awesome that you found a keychain with your name on it. I don't know WHAT country I would have to go to for one with my name. Maybe japan?

  2. haha. ill try to keep looking for you :)
