Thursday, September 8, 2011

Two Months Away from Home

So today, I have officially been in Lebanon for two months. So the rest of my agenda goes as follows: 
- 30 days my 24th birthday
- 33 days leaving Lebanon, off to Paris :)))))
-and.... 47 days (back to reality) back to the US of A.

It's just insane to process all that, definitely going to be a whirlwind.

so random: I was bored after doing my homework, so I decided to walk downtown (again) to the Virgin Megastore because I wanted to find a book on Arabic Calligraphy. But as I started to walk down the street from my Teta's, literally in front of my eyes this car got T-BONED, within 10/15 feet of me. It was crazy, the car that got hit like slide across the road and hit a curb. Again, right in my face. haha wow. Driving here is dangerous/crazy/WTF, which walking can be just as insane. But I think walking to/from class 5x a week, I have mastered walking/crossing the Lebanese streets. haha. 

and I never found my book .. booo.

I love you ZDD miss you tons xoxo

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