Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home..

I still cannot believe I am home, and at the same time, I cannot believe I left. When I see the people I love it feels like I never left and my adventure was nothing but a vivid dream. 

I have learned so much in the last four months, about myself, my family, and a lot about the American culture. I feel that in order to truly understand America, you have to travel outside it, with this you can better understand how it holds in the mind of people like you; as well as how it stand up against other countries. 

Now, as the days go by I will decide where I want to take my life from here, I am applying to some masters programs, so crossing my fingers, and if that does not pan out I will be job haunting time. 

For the first time, my life is uncertain and unknown, and for once I am trying to relax and go with it. I will never regret what I choose to do for the past four months because I have truly grown and learned.

Thank you:
 - I just want to say thank you to my family and friends for understanding my decision, and supporting it, I could of not done it without your support, kind words, and emails,
-Thank you to my amazing boyfriend Zack, that even though he hated me leaving him for so long, he supported it, and made the effort to talk to me almost everyday, even if that meet staying up at all hours of the night
-  and a thank you to all my family in Lebanon & France for all that they did when I was there, it was amazing and an unforgettable time. Hope too see you all soon <3
- and thank you for everyone who read and experienced my  trip with me through my blog, I hope you enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chateau de Versailles

On my last day in Paris (so sad), my cousins, Celia & Mike, & I went to the Chateau de Versailles on a beautiful cool fall day. These are the pictures of the garden, and they cannot begin to show how marvelous and extravagant it and the palace is.  It is understandable why this palace helped fueled the French Revolution...

mike & I look like ants in comparison 

the palace is hard to get in one shot. it keeps on going.

an amazing garden 

i was super duper excited. ha

still excited..

mike & I :)

there were so many different passage ways in the garden like this... we went exploring..... 

and found a water show

it was truly an amazing breath taking place

Fell in Love with French Macarons <3 must make the when I get home

Paris was an amazing and unforgettable trip thanks to my family here, and I cannot thank them enough <3 for making me feel so welcomed <3

guess how comes home tomorrow?!

Dinner at Champ Elysee

Today it was freezing in Paris, so I said in and decided to pack. What fun.. so I had to borrow a suitcase from my aunt and  so now I have 3 suitcases. ha. But come on, how could I not buy anything in Paris. I was just lying to myself when I said I wouldnt.

Tonight my cousin, my aunt and I went to  dinner near the Champ Elysee at a Chinese Restaurant.
I still cannot believe that I am spending my last days in Paris, it went by so fast. I will truly miss this city and my family <3.

Tomorrow, I am going to Versailles, super duper excited. I love French history.

Buba <3

 Celia & my aunt <3

my aunt & I decide instead of walking back home, to take the trolly.. ha

had a nice view (besides being freezing) Eiffel Tower on the left

Ahhh! I will be home in 2 days. Still I cannot believe it, it is all coming to an end

Friday, October 21, 2011

DisneyLand! Paris!

So yesterday my two cousins & I went to DISNEYLAND! & Hollywood Studios. and I was super excited, like a little kid at christmas...


First, we went to Hollywood Studios 

Just like Orlando.

The Hollywood Studios was a bit small, but worth it.. now time for DISNEY LAND!

Main Street USA

 So every Disney Park has a different Princess Castel at the center, Paris's Castle is Sleeping Beauty. At first, it was a little odd to walk down that street and not see a Blue & White Castle but to see a Pink one. ha

Thunder Mountain

Haunted Manor

 Pirates of the Carribean

They have a cool Alice and Wonderland Area
 with a little Labyrinth to get to the Queen of Hearts Castle

For the first time in my life, I did the Tea cups. Because I get motion sick so easily, it was given I would never ride this. But I thought hey, I am in Paris why not throw caution to the wind.. haha

yeah... Mike was a little too excited to start turning the tea cups.. quickly I started to second guess my decision. 

during the ride..

we are spinning.

In the end, it was not that bad at all, I got more sick on the Tower of Terror, then I did on the Spinning Tea Cups, so a win

"its a small world after all" ride, which I do not think we have in orlando anymore? right


Sometimes, I thought I could be in orlando.

I will be home on Monday. wow!