Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I want to punch the internet in the face

So I want to vent a little about the internet here, and how much issue I have been having. So I bought a USB plug for the internet when I came, the unit was used and an old model that is covered in wires, and in the past month I have had to sent it out to get fixed twice. The internet is not reliable sometimes it "fast" and same time I feel I am pack in the dial up days. Pictures to upload like 10 take over an hour and just eat up my awesome 512mb of internet. Oh, and not to mention internet is pretty expensive as well, no bueno.  And sometime the company does maintenance online at night, and I cannot connect. It just can get a little annoying. I miss my wifi, I miss my iphone. I know I am winning, but just this once I need to vent.

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