Monday, October 10, 2011

Last Day in Lebanon

It truly boggles my mind that it has already been over three months since I got on a plane and left everything and everyone I ever knew to have an adventure. An adventure, that I know now, will indeed last a life time. Now, as I reflect on my trip I cannot believe how quickly it snuck up on me, it was like when I finally got completely settled in, I am leaving. 

I have been able to experience so many things I always dreamed of, it was always hard for me having such a big family but never being able to experience the love and joy that comes with it. No matter what happens, I am glad I made this life changing decision because I was able to feel connected to my roots, something I have never felt before. But, what I also learned was that I was always connected to my family, it was just me who did not feel it. Even though I do not come every year, I am still thought about, asked about, and loved. Family is family no matter how many miles away you are, or how many times you are able to see them throughout the years. I was not able to say good bye to some of the people I wished to, but it gives me more reason to come back.

Now, I have about 12 hours left until I leave, and my mind is going a mile a minute. But it is time for a new adventure. I will be in Paris for two weeks, and then back to the real world.  Where I have to start to my life all over again, and that will be its own adventure in itself. 

"Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again,
Oh Babe I hate to go."

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