Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dinner at Champ Elysee

Today it was freezing in Paris, so I said in and decided to pack. What fun.. so I had to borrow a suitcase from my aunt and  so now I have 3 suitcases. ha. But come on, how could I not buy anything in Paris. I was just lying to myself when I said I wouldnt.

Tonight my cousin, my aunt and I went to  dinner near the Champ Elysee at a Chinese Restaurant.
I still cannot believe that I am spending my last days in Paris, it went by so fast. I will truly miss this city and my family <3.

Tomorrow, I am going to Versailles, super duper excited. I love French history.

Buba <3

 Celia & my aunt <3

my aunt & I decide instead of walking back home, to take the trolly.. ha

had a nice view (besides being freezing) Eiffel Tower on the left

Ahhh! I will be home in 2 days. Still I cannot believe it, it is all coming to an end

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