Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chateau de Versailles

On my last day in Paris (so sad), my cousins, Celia & Mike, & I went to the Chateau de Versailles on a beautiful cool fall day. These are the pictures of the garden, and they cannot begin to show how marvelous and extravagant it and the palace is.  It is understandable why this palace helped fueled the French Revolution...

mike & I look like ants in comparison 

the palace is hard to get in one shot. it keeps on going.

an amazing garden 

i was super duper excited. ha

still excited..

mike & I :)

there were so many different passage ways in the garden like this... we went exploring..... 

and found a water show

it was truly an amazing breath taking place

Fell in Love with French Macarons <3 must make the when I get home

Paris was an amazing and unforgettable trip thanks to my family here, and I cannot thank them enough <3 for making me feel so welcomed <3

guess how comes home tomorrow?!

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