Friday, October 21, 2011

DisneyLand! Paris!

So yesterday my two cousins & I went to DISNEYLAND! & Hollywood Studios. and I was super excited, like a little kid at christmas...


First, we went to Hollywood Studios 

Just like Orlando.

The Hollywood Studios was a bit small, but worth it.. now time for DISNEY LAND!

Main Street USA

 So every Disney Park has a different Princess Castel at the center, Paris's Castle is Sleeping Beauty. At first, it was a little odd to walk down that street and not see a Blue & White Castle but to see a Pink one. ha

Thunder Mountain

Haunted Manor

 Pirates of the Carribean

They have a cool Alice and Wonderland Area
 with a little Labyrinth to get to the Queen of Hearts Castle

For the first time in my life, I did the Tea cups. Because I get motion sick so easily, it was given I would never ride this. But I thought hey, I am in Paris why not throw caution to the wind.. haha

yeah... Mike was a little too excited to start turning the tea cups.. quickly I started to second guess my decision. 

during the ride..

we are spinning.

In the end, it was not that bad at all, I got more sick on the Tower of Terror, then I did on the Spinning Tea Cups, so a win

"its a small world after all" ride, which I do not think we have in orlando anymore? right


Sometimes, I thought I could be in orlando.

I will be home on Monday. wow!


  1. Disney Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. in my head i was like "eeeeeeee" the whole time. haha
