Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ashrafia, Lebanon

 Today I was not feeling too great, I had one of those all day migraines, so it has not been a fun day. But my uncle and I went to dinner in Ashrafia for a few hours and then got some sweets :) . That was all my head could handle sadly. I will be going to the beach tomorrow with my uncle and cousin so I am going to bed after this blog :) soo goodnight to all xoxo.

yummy little dinner 

I have an obsession with Lebanese sweets, I could not choose so I picked all three :). I will be bring a butt load of sweets when I come home

So I forgot to upload these two picture:
This was from Thursday my Aunt Lillia invited us for a true fish fry ha. I was scared of the fishes at first, but I soon got over it because they were delicious and so fresh. It was a combinations of barracudas and little red snappers.. yummmy

 So we drove passed this, on the way to the mountains this weekend. It is a monument to war in Lebanon, it is pretty interesting.


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