Monday, August 15, 2011

Saifi Village & Verdun

So today was my first day of arabic school :) .  The school is in Saifi Village, in the downtown area. I wanted to take some pictures of the school, but I forgot my camera :( so ill put some pictures up tomorrow. The school is an old villa they remolded, it is super cute. In class, I learned the alphabet and some few key phrases, and cannot wait to learn more. I am actually excited after eight months without school, I miss it; and I am thrilled to have some what of schedule. I need more of a routine :)

For Dinner, I went to dinner with my uncle nabil, aunt nada & baja for a charity dinner at the Bristol Hotel in Verdun for a Iftar (which is when you break fast for dinner during the month of Ramadan). Food was soo delicious.

Aunt Baja, Uncle Nabil and Aunt Nada

kinda tan..haha

Myself, Zainab (Teta Coucous's cousin), and Uncle Nabil :)

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