Monday, August 15, 2011


On Saturday, my uncle jamil, aunt wajiha and I were complete beach bums. Take that Vitamin D deficiency. 
Then Saturday night we were off to Tyre, which is in the south of Lebanon. Driving by you get a completely different vibe then you do in the big city of Beirut.  The lifestyle of the south is  more simplistic with hints (at times a heavy hint) of a "military" presents. It was fascinating to see the contrast of the two cities, differently diverse. 
We arrived at  Tyre at 10:30pm and stopped for dinner (remember like I said people eat late here ha), dinner lasted 3 hours. ha. After, dinner we walked the beach and I saw Israel (well at least from a distance)...yeah its that close.
Sunday, was another beach day.... im becoming arab brown :)haha
the restaurant we ate at Saturday, night. They only renovated the bottom floor and left the top as is, which I felt give the building true character. Also a way to remember its history, in my opinion. 

after walking on the beach, my uncle made a fisherman friend, and wanted to learn his tricks......haha 

(palaestra type) roman ruins 

the mountains in the far back is Israel

me & tante wajiha <3

So for Lunch was yummy yummu fish

yummy sardines (only fish i can name). they taste a lot better than the canned sardines I had at SAS, not as salty. 
It was truly Fresh Fish. :)

so you can rent narghile and little 9 year old boys come and set it up for you.  

found an interesting view, it was like old against new architecture 

big moon :)

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