Tuesday, August 2, 2011


(monday 8/1/2011)
So the past couple of days I have been taking it easy, finally settling in Lebanon; meaning, not so much of the tourist life. 
 This weekend I was in the mountains with my father's side with four generations of El Fadl's (the true spelling), it was amazing to actually be a part of that.  I am  just so happy to finally feel part of the family, which yes of course no matter where I am, I am still part of the family.  But to actually feel it, the bonding the love, everything is just so irreplaceable.

Today was low-key, during the day I was practicing how to crochet, I am determine to learn all the knots  before I leave, I really wanna make a tablecloth.. haha.
Today, was a little harder than usual because it is mine and Zack's Three Year Anniversary, we had already exchanged our gifts a month earlier and we had our celebration, but it is still difficult not being with him and spending this day together. However, I know we will spend many more anniversaries together. love you zack xoxo
For dinner. my uncle and I went to meet up with my cousin Mike to a place in Verdun called Scoozi. My cousin  traveled from Paris, I have not seen him in eleven years!! It was so great to see him, and I really had an exceptional  time at dinner. 

 I <3 Family, haha. No matter what happens after I get home, I know this trip was worth it :)

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