Monday, August 29, 2011

What A Walk Can Bring

So walking forty minutes to and from school everyday really gives me a lot of time to reflect on my decisions and observe the place/people around me. I have come to realize some things...

1) To say this delicately, men here are not discreet when you (female) walk by.

2) The more I see people, the more they remind me of people I know back home. I always have to take a second look and remind myself where I am. I feel no one is truly original in there appearance. Haha

3) I have realized in myself the difference of needing and wanting something. I have been thinking a lot and this experience has really made me notice that the things I thought I needed in life were not just. They were things I just wanted and could live without.

4) The city of Beirut is interseting because in its architecture tells the story of the nation. There are building being built and remolded all over, however the still are some buildings that show a past of war, standing as a testament of what the city has been through. Beirut is truly the phoenix city, being destroyed and rebuilt 7 times.

5) And lastly, no matter what happens when I get home, I will never regret this decision of coming to Lebanon. This was something I needed to do for myself and it was well-worth it. I am truly, as cliche as this might sound, getting to know who I am as a person and realize I how independent I am. Live life with no regrets.

So going to Bhmound tomorrow for the Eid Al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan month. 

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