Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jounieh, Lebanon

On Friday, August 19th my Aunt Wajiha,  Uncle Jamil and my Teta went to a Naamani reunion (my mother's side of the family)...yeah I could not even tell you who I met. I smiled, kissed and hugged a lot of people, soo I lost track. But it was nice and for usually an ungodly amount of food was served. 

And Saturday, I went to the beach all day with my aunt and uncle, I am kinda excited because my skin has gotten to the point were it no longer burns, just tans :) 
A few weeks back, when I went to charity event with my uncle and Teta, my Teta won a gift certificate for a dinner for 4; so for dinner my uncle, aunt, Hussein and I decided to finally use it. It was for a place called Al-Sabil.  The place was beautiful and the food was amazing, definitely one of the best dinners I have had.

so much food....

and dessert.... mind you this is all at 12:00am.

Al- Sabil

this was just the 1st course (of 5) 

One of the mantra's I am living by here, is keep an open mind, try everything, at least once. So this is proof.. this here is tongue. And I must say, I rather enjoyed it. haha (I can imagine Zack right now freakin out) But it is very delicious, I thought it would be very tough,  to my surprise it is very tender. It taste just like meat. Always Keep an open mind.

I do know why, but I love this, its just pita bread that has been put in the oven. But it is just sooo good.

at 11:00pm the restaurant had an arabic band and yes.. a belly dancer. A Mexican Belly dancer. (random?)

 Hassan enjoyed her..... 

as did my uncle jamil

the dessert...

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