Sunday, August 7, 2011


From Friday, August 5th to the Sunday, August 7th I spent with my father's side of the family because it was the first week of Ramadan.

So Friday, I went with my ammo nabil to do some food shopping because that night teta coucou was hosting a huge feast for about 40 people. On our way up I saw a flower shop and wanted to make my teta a floral arrangement. Next to the floral shop was a pet shop and look what i found!!!!  

 A MONKEY!!!!!!!! I wanted him sooo bad.
My flower arrangement

Before the festivities started, I hang out with the cousins :)  i love this picture, apposed to the posed ones. this is more natural :) 

At ten all the women, went into a room and song a sura from the koran that is only read during Ramadan 

 i had an english translation of the koran on my ipad so i was able to follow along. haha ooh technology  

tete coucou (left) me and aunt :)

huge ramanda feast at 12am

she had a great night

So Saturday I decide to fast. I have one picture and it will explain the whole day

sabine + fasting = huge crippling migraine 
I was a whimp and could only last one day. Come Sunday I was not fasting, I have immense respect for my family who fast the whole Ramadan month. And with that one day of fasting, it definitely gave me a new found respect for what I have.

Sunday, was an easy going day spent with the cousins.

cutest little cousin in the world


he is loving it. hahaha

Sorry Karim, the pictures were too cute not to put up xoxo
happy :)

One more thing happened sunday, so on the way driving down from the mountains there was a lot of traffic, after a 20 minute jam, we found out why... there was a huge accident. It crazy how in collisions cars look like they are made out of paper because of the way they crumble. And we as people are deranged, in a way because when we see an accident we all slow down and must look to see what happened. And sadly it will happen when one time you just say too much. That time happened tonight for me, as my aunt drove right pass one of the cars, like she was right next to it, I looked down and I saw a man covered with a blanket, he was dead. And I was inches away from him. It so sad how a life can just end like that,  with everyone  just trying to get a glimpse of what happened. I being one of those people. Everyone keep safe and remember getting somewhere quick is not worth it in the long run... <3

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