Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 12th

So today my uncle and I walked to my Arabic school to check it out and ask some question, as well as to figure out how long it would take me to walk from my grandmothers. OMG, it is going to take me about 40 minutes to walk in the heat and humidity of Beirut. Even though it is a bit far, I am still going to (try) walk because going to and from school 5 days a week for 5 weeks it would cost me to much, and hey a good way to loss some weight. But the school is so adorable it used to be a little two story villa that they made into a school and is in the downtown area, surround by shops, cafes, and pubs.
 So after checking out the school, and after my uncle and I finally caught our breathes we walked around downtown, which is completely beautiful. We had a feast of a lunch and show an antique car show. (SEE PICTURES)
            Later in the evening, I met with one of my aunts/mom’s old friends to see if she could help me find a job volunteering, in order to make use of my time here.  However, only speaking English definitely narrowed down my options, so she is going to try to set me up with some public libraries, where I could possible do some craft work with the unprivileged children but she will get back to me tomorrow, with details. And tomorrow, I will be meeting with my father's childhood friend also to see if he can help me find a place to volunteer so we will see. He works for human rights, so that would be an interesting avenue to venture too J kinda excited.  Ha, I miss not working or even having a schedule, so hopefully volunteering will fill that hole.
 Tonight, I had dinner at a very quaint narghile (hookah) restaurant that was once a house, all the tables where in the garden and throughout the house.   And in Lebanon, you do not share your an narghile, you have your own so I got mango, per usually (but it lasted forever).  I cannot wait until I buy my double hose.  I was thinking maybe ill have a narghile/hookah party. Haha

Fun Fact From a Lebanese Doctor:
In order for you to be able to drink all night and not get sick:
  1. Before you start drinking eat either butter and bread or butter and oil olive
  2. Start Drinking
  3. In between drinking eat mint leaves

Try it out it works  


beautiful new mosque at the center of downtown

 Virgin mega store!

like 15 army trucks drove downtown.. at least i am safe??

i am excited!!!


  1. If you see lots of military again... Walk the opposite way!! ;p

  2. thanks guys, i know this place is soo pretty

    haha okay, ryan ill keep that in mind
