Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Long Beach Club, Beirut

So today went the beach with my Ammo Nabil and my second cousins Karim and Jad.  It was a good day filled with sun, sea water and food. Let's just say the sun over here is a lot stronger. 
The beach had an amazing view that was utterly magnificent, please enjoy the pictures. 

view from the pool area

thats a big pool, wonder if he is over compensating haha

ammo nabil & jad

the boys

there is where the fun begins, cliff diving into the mediterranean

jad's cannon ball


Ammo Nabil look at him go

the thing going though my head "oohh crap"

just beautiful

complete paradise

sun-kissed :)

the raouche rocks, which was
 absolutely stunning, amazing words cannot describe

just unbelievable 

 Even though this is a small country geographically, it has so much to offer it is unbelievable.
See, big things come in small packages :) haha  <3 Lebanon. 

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