Thursday, July 21, 2011

Things I have Noticed

This is a list of things that I have noticed since in Lebanon it could either be things are different from the US, or just things that are Lebanon all there own. This is, of course, suggestive because it is coming from my eyes through my own experiences and is all in good fun. Hope you enjoy :)

10. Taxis prices are fixed from place to place, because traffic is EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME, they do not charge you for waiting in the car. :)

9. Random, but all doors open towards you...found out the hard way several times.. ha

8. I should not even look at a menu when I go out here, because everything is always ordered for me before I can even ask for water (haha), I do not know if thats a Lebanese thing, or because I am a female thing (haha)

7. There are stray cats everywhere, I mean everywhere! how did that happen? does everyone hate cats over here and decide to kick them out one day? ha (Team Dogs )

6. Yeah, so i thought gas was expensive until I came here and did some math, so in Lebanon they sell gas by the Liter, which is roughly a little less than 4L per gallon (to be exact 3.78) one liter is $3.55, little over $13 PER GALLON. So to fill my Ford Fusion, I am looking a little over $200, sorry Lebanon for ever complaining about $55 full gas tanks.

5. Everyone has maids, which is something I am still getting used to.  Do not get me wrong, I do not mind not needing to do laundry or do any dishes, but having someone bring my food, water and my coffee still makes me feel uneasy. So then a lot of the times, almost all the times, I just make it myself and then I make the maids feel uneasy, so it’s a vicious cycle. Haha

4. People here drive completely and utterly mad, no one listens to the streetlights or speed zones, 3 way lines become 5 lines.  When walking you must pray the cars slow down or even see and you do not get hit. Today my Uncle almost got hit by a car reversing and only did not because he jumped out of the way.

3. Yeah, even though the Dollar is stronger than the Lira, does not mean things are cheaper for you by any means, things just cost more to make up for it

2. People drink coffee as if it water, today alone I have drank 2 cappuccinos and 2 espressos, (that was all ranging from 11:00 am to 4:00 p.m.) its peer pressure.  And sadly enough I actually refused coffee a few times.  Haha

1. I am actually of average height among women, YES!  I am not seen as short, that is a plus

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