Saturday, July 23, 2011


So today (Friday July 22nd) I went to a wedding with my grandma in a villa in the mountains, it was absolutely beautiful. The flower arrangements were incredible, definitely taking notes for future flower arrangements fun. The only thing that would have been better was to have Zack with me, to go to a wedding alone while you are missing your loved one is a little sucky. Especially when you can barely communicate with the person you did. Haha. But all in all it was fun experience, the bride was American so it was cool to see how they combined the foods and the music. The only true downside,  I did not  noticed where the bar until I was leaving ! ha

Tomorrow, or in my time, today I am going to the mountains with my other grandmother. (For my own sake, and maybe yours, I am going to use the names I call them to make it easier between grandmas. My mother mom will be further called Teta and my father’s mother Coucou.)
So I will be staying a Coucou’s for the weekend. Yay wifi, so I can facetime. And my uncle nabil is coming in tomorrow. Yay.

Well have a good night.  Love and miss you xoxo

did not know about this branch? 

love the centerpiece

so pretty

the couples entrance

love, love, love this!!!!!

on the fountain  

the villa

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