Saturday, July 16, 2011

         So tonight my Uncle, Grandmother and I went to a benefit dinner for a charity that my aunt supports, it is a charity that helps the elderly. And that’s pretty much all I could tell you, because the entire program was in Arabic, so as usual I was in my own head for most of the night.  Hopefully, when my school does start I wont be completely lost, I do understand for the most part what people are saying but then I at times I am completely lost and just zone out.  But honestly, I am not bother by it, I am so used to it by now from my parents it does not phase me or upset me its just the usual. ha
            But back to the benefit, the venue was completely amazing, it was in the mountains and you could see all of Beirut from their balconies. I have noticed that there is no bad view in Lebanon, haha.  I feel that all I say is how gorgeous the views are here.
            At the event, omg is all I could say about the food, it was traditional Lebanese food and family style, but to the extreme there was. I counted because it was getting ridiculous, 18 different plates of food.  WTF Lets just say I am about blow. But everything was as incredibly good, and I think I can say I had the best hummus I ever had tonight, sorry mom xoxo. 
           They had arabic music and it was nice to watch everyone dance. I did not really dance because my clumsy ass ate dirt in the middle of the street today and busted my knee, what else is new. haha. There was a raffle my grandma got a new cellphone, dinner for 4 and a nice sport coat my uncle and me got nothing :( haha. But all in all it was a great night, it got me to experience a tradition type of Lebanese dinner/party.

            One thing I would like to say about the Lebanese girls, yeah they are defiantly hard competition over her, girls are in like 6in + stilettos shoes, covered in bling, and completely groomed from head to toe. Not gonna lie, its intimidating especially to a girl who loves her sweats and flats.  Haha, if I was looking for a man here, if I did say IF, it would not be as easy as I thought before. haha.

the venue

outside view

my raffle ticket i could not read ha

my dancing uncle

he is breaking it down haha

my grandma (on the left) and a family friend

the biggest red seedless grapes i have ever seen, and they are natural!

haha getting wild hassen

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