Saturday, July 9, 2011

So I am still using a computure set in the Arabic format so what the means is i am type from right to left so  sorry about the spacing and no use of periods because they are not going where i am telling them to haha even the arrows are backwards well hopefully i will have wifi soon so i can use my lab top because i forget it  soooo let me begin

 Today i went up to the mountains today to stay with my father's mother and his sisters until sunday and was happily surprised my aunt had wireless internet so i was able to skpye my parents and zack for like a second the interent is nothing like the States you could imagine so it was very choppy and would hangup enough but it was nice to see there faces However later in the night was a lot better

so in the mountains there is not much to do however it is nothig short of breath taking you can see all down the coast to the sea and all the way down to beirut also the moutain ranges across the country  i took some pictures but fear it does not capture its the beauty however i left my camera wire in beirut sadly but i will try to have pictures up tomorrow cross my fingers
but what i find amazing is how things still grow so free and wild here on the side of my grandmothers house out of a concrete wall grows yellow snap dragons it was amazing to see on a side note it made me thing of the poem by tu pac where the rose that grew from the concrete with a lebanese flare haha i know i am hip ha

Later in the day i went on a walk with my aunt and that is when i got most of my pictures and again i was amazed to see how many things just grew on their own with were bushes of just wheat growing my aunt told me no one grew them theyjust came and several types of exotic flowers and roses and pom roses it was amazing how they just where growing on their own terms it was beautiful

so for day 2 i was verypleased with it and i know this coming week will be busy will keep you post xoxo       

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