Monday, July 11, 2011

Things that I have noticed in Lebanon (already):

1. I am actually of average height among women, YES!  I am not seen as short, that is a plus

2. People drink coffee as if it water, today alone I have drank 2 cappuccinos and 2 espressos, (that was all ranging from 11:00 am to 4:00 p.m.) its peer pressure.  And sadly enough I actually refused coffee a few times.  Haha

3. Yeah, even though the Dollar is stronger than the Lira, does not mean things are cheaper for you by any means, things just cost more to make up for it.

4. People here drive completely and utterly mad, no one listens to the streetlights or speed zones, 3 way lines become 5 lines.  When walking you must pray the cars slow down or even see and you do not get hit. Today my Uncle almost got hit by a car reversing and only did not because he jumped out of the way.

5. Everyone has maids, which is something I am still getting used to.  Do not get me wrong, I do not mind not needing to do laundry or do any dishes, but having someone bring my food, water and my coffee still makes me feel uneasy. So then a lot of the times, almost all the times, I just make it myself and then I make the maids feel uneasy, so it’s a vicious cycle. Haha 

Today’s event: Nothing to exciting, my uncle and I walked to an internet café and with our ipads we sat for many hours and then we went to the A.B.C, (when it is said in a French accent it sounds much nicer), which is a five store mall that is open and it is so beautiful and has all the high end shops and restaurants.  The food here is amazing, they have this olive bread and its delicious must make some when I get home.  Tomorrow, we are going to check out my Arabic School and meet with my aunts friend and see if I can do some volunteer work also. J

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